Outdoor Ministry
Fishing Tournament
         May 4, 2024 Safe daylight – 1Pm
Ryans Creek has extended our Great Commission efforts into the fishing industry of North Alabama.  We have anglers from all over who participate in our tournament each and every year.  We have those who fish professionally to those who just want to spend some extra time with their child or grandchild who participate in our tournament.  Thanks to those sponsors who have been faithful to support our tournament each year, we have seen many come to faith in Christ during our pre-tournament worship service.  If you are interested in working with out Outdoor Ministry team to make this tournament a success or if you would be interested in fishing the tournament, contact the church office for more information.
5K Race
We have a very dedicated group of men and women who have committed themselves to reaching a number of people with the gospel through different outdoor activities.  One of the recent activities that we have found to be increasing in popularity is running.  From time to time, we will put together a 5K Race in order to share the gospel with those who have a passion for running.  If you are interested in more information on our 5K Races, please contact the church office.
Golf Tournament
In an attempt to reach our golfing community with the gospel, we have began to focus some of our outdoor efforts on creating a golf tournament.  If you are interested in participating in our golf tournament or helping with the Outdoor Ministry in the development of a Golf Tournament, please contact the church office for more information.
3D Archery Shoot
Our Outdoor Ministry has identified a passion for competition and shooting among many avid hunters.  While it has been a while since our last 3D Shoot, we continue to pursue different avenues in which we can participate in the Great Commission in our Jerusalem.  For more information on our 3D Archery Shoot, please contact our church office.
Father and Son Bonfire
Time is precious.  Time is ticking away quickly.  Having recognized the quick passing of time, the Outdoor Ministry has created an outdoor event for Dads and Son’s to be able to spend some time in fellowship and the Word around a bonfire.  For more information about our next bonfire, please contact the church office.